In CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting before and after


CoolSculpting before and after images clearly demonstrate that fat freezing really works. Patient results further support the scientific findings that CoolSculpting can reduce fat by 25% on average after a single treatment.¹ If you are looking for a non-surgical alternative to liposuction or struggle with stubborn bulges that resist diet and exercise, fat freezing may be right for you. Check out the CoolSculpting before and after photos below and learn more about this revolutionary procedure to discover if non-invasive fat reduction can help you obtain the slim, sculpted physique you are looking for.

Learn more about CoolSculpting >>

CoolSculpting Before and After Images*

CoolSculpting before and after images demonstrate dramatic reductions in circumference and the sculpting of attractive contours. As with any body-shaping treatment, results may vary. However, these CoolSculpting before and after depict actual patients and highlight the amazing results that are possible when this technique-sensitive treatment is conducted by a skilled and experienced professional.*

How Does CoolSculpting Work?

Simply stated, CoolSculpting eliminates fat cells by freezing them to death. Stubborn bulges can safely be exposed to controlled cooling because skin cells are hardier than fat cells and can withstand colder temperatures. This means isolated fat deposits can be chilled, freezing subcutaneous fat cells below the surface, without harming surrounding skin or other tissues.  When the targeted fat cells are frozen, they crystallize and rupture in a process known as lipolysis. The destroyed fat cells are gradually collected and processed from the body in the form of waste.¹

Related Article: CoolSculpting vs. Emsculpt >>

CoolSculpting Treatment Areas

As evident in the CoolSculpting before and after pictures above, fat freezing can slim and contour nearly any area on the body, starting with a double chin all the way down to fat deposits that accumulate above the knees. CoolSculpting’s versatility results from a collection of applicators of various shapes and sizes that are specifically designed to fit the different areas of the body.

Currently, CoolSculpting can freeze the fat from the following areas:

  • The abdomen (belly fat)
  • The flanks (love handles)
  • The thighs (both inner and outer thigh fat)
  • The back and armpit region (bra bulge)
  • The chest (ideal for men with man boobs)
  • The submental region (double chins and neck fat)
  • Below the buttocks (banana roll)
  • The upper arms


If you’re ready to stop looking at the accomplishments of other people and want some CoolSculpting before and after pics of your own, schedule a complimentary consultation with Dr. Julia Edelman of The New England Center for Body Sculpting. Providing patients with the skill and experience that only a doctor can offer, Dr. Edelman delivers unparalleled results.  Find out if fat freezing is right for you by scheduling a complimentary consultation with The New England Center for Body Contouring, the premier Middleboro CoolSculpting provider today. Contact us online or call 508 947-2852.


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